POW Mobility
Non-vehicle flow in a Singapore community
Vehicle flow in a Zurich community
This work package focuses on urban mobility, electric vehicles (EVs), and Vehicle-2-Grid (V2G) strategies for grid stabilization under an increased penetration of intermittent renewable electricity, specifically PV and BIPV. While grid instability and voltage fluctuations are a challenge on short horizons, on a regular daily statistical basis, regions with high PV penetration have experienced the so-called “duck curve”' effect which indicates a significant mismatch between demand and renewable generation. This leads to a stark ramp-up effect that requires compensation by alternative (often fossil-fuel-based) generators. The politically driven roll-out of EVs can further exacerbate grid strains if no directed measures are taken, as charging demand may coincide with hours of low renewable generation.
The work relies on location-based services (LBS) from a large number of individual time-resolved mobile phone signals. As the final objective, this WP will estimate the overall potential of V2G in supporting PV and BIPV deployment for the whole city-state of Singapore. The WP further presents a method to estimate the charging demand and electricity storage potential of EVs at fine temporal and spatial resolution, by analysing the urban mobility pattern from city-scale individual mobility data. Through optimizing the charging and discharging schedule, the duck curve is smoothed and the peak in power demand is shaved. In addition, we highlight the need for coupled planning of photovoltaic and electric vehicles.
Vehicle flow in a Singapore community
The concept of V2G
Estimations of the local energy supply by V2G in Singapore. The district shown in yellow is Downtown and offers the highest potential due to the many EVs frequenting here.
Team /
Dr. Jiazu Zhou, Asst. Prof. Markus Schläpfer, Assoc. Prof. Francis Bu Sung Lee, Dr. Seanglidet Yean
Publications /
1 / M. Schläpfer, H. J. Chew, S. Yean, and B.-S. Lee, “Using Mobility Patterns for the Planning of Vehicle-to-Grid Infrastructures that Support Photovoltaics in Cities,” 2021. [Online]. Link.
2 / D. Caviezel, C. Waibel, M. Schläpfer, and A. Schlueter, “Vehicle-to-Grid Coupled Photovoltaic Optimization for Singapore at a District Resolution,” in Proceedings of ECOS 2023 - The 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, no. June, 2023.
3 / A. Schlueter and M. Schläpfer, “FCL YouTube Talk: Research Overture 2 - Powering the City,” 2023. [Online]. Link.
4 / Zhou, J. Z., Tan S X, Schläpfer, M. Lee, B.S. Mobility patterns before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore, 2023 the 11th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering (ICTLE 2023).